Click OnE image to explore these Open Access publications!

2025. A Method for Creative Reflexive Data in Autoethnography by Fiona P, McDonald, Donna Langille, Suzi Asa, and Emilie Isch.

PART 1: 2021 Anthropological Film Exhibition and Distribution by Sanderien Verstappen, Christos Varvantakis, Fiona P. McDonald, Alice Apley, Harjant S. Gill, Margot Mecca, Caterina Sartori, and Frode Storaas

2024. “Enhancing Teaching with Audio + Digital Technology.” Celebrate Learning Week. UBC.

Link to recording of Session

PART 2: 2021 Rethinking Anthropological Film Exhibition and Distribution by Sanderien Verstappen, Christos Varvantakis, Fiona P. McDonald, Alice Apley, Harjant S. Gill, Margot Mecca, Caterina Sartori, and Frode Storaas

2023. American Anthropology Association | Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) Executive Committee Panel

Link to Recording of Sessions

2021. “Collaboration in Virtual Environments:Honouring the Métis Method of Visiting” by Fiona McDonald and Hanna Paul.

Link to Anthropologica here: LINK

2023. LaFlamme, Marcel, Donna Langille, and Fiona P. McDonald. “Making Methods Move : Toward Protocol Sharing Across the Disciplines.” Open Access Week. October 25. doi:

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2019. Community Report by Fiona McDonald and Madelaine Lekei.

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